Atapi/IDE Cd Drive
by john/indi
This is a hardware hack for the 1200. No responsibility will be
accepted for any prangs resulting from use of this information.
If in doubt, buy the interface, it's only thirty quid.
I've been reading a lot lately in Amiga magazines about the dangers of
fitting an IDE CD drive to the 1200 without adding a buffered interface.
Read on and form your own opinion.......
About 18 months ago when the atapi software first made an appearance it
was being sold as a ridiculously expensive package along with various
buffers, CD drives etc. It prompted a mate of mine to try a bit of DIY
to get a CD drive fitted on the cheap and heres the result.
This assumes you already have a 3.5 hard drive fitted.....
Get down to your local computer shop/fair and buy the following.
One 3-way 3.5 IDE ribbon cable ( about £3 )
One PC power supply unit ( about £5 )
One cheap IDE CD drive ( prices from £30 - see below )
Notes on CD drive types....
From personal experience anything faster than 6 speed should be OK as
these all conform to the atapi standard. Some quad speeds are also safe
i.e Mitsumi 400 and Mitsumi 410. Some older drives will also work but
it is NOT recommended to try them.
Now for the tricky bit..
Take the hard drive ribbon cable out of your 1200 and ( gulp! ) cut the
3.5 connector off. Do the same at one end of the 3-way IDE cable and
then make off and solder through all the 40 cables making sure that all
the joints are properly insulated. Always keep the coloured edge of the
ribbon ( usually pink ) to the same side. When complete test out each
cable with a multi meter to make sure all the connections are sound and
in the right order. Also check for short circuits to other cables.
See ATAPI_CABLE.IFF for more info.
3.5 40 way 3.5 40 way
_ _ 2.5 44 way
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Connect to
Connect to Connect to internal IDE port
CD drive hard drive
Your finished cable should look like this
General opinion is that the shorter the cable the less likely it is to
cause any problems, the one that I have connected just now is 2 feet
long and is working OK. Best keep it as short as practical though, i.e
between the IDE port and your hard drive.
Fit the cable and your hard drive back into the amiga and then decide
where you want the ribbon to emerge from the casing. Use a sharp craft
knife and cut a slot out of the casing for the cable, there is a nice
thin lip on the bottom half of the casing which is easy to cut.
Fit your CD drive and connect the PC power supply to it, note the
rounded corners at one edge. Make sure the CD is set to SLAVE
operation. Fire up and run the atapi installer, the CD drive should be
mounted as unit 1.
If you can get hold of an old 5.25 external floppy drive it makes an
ideal case, same fixings and internal PSU.
As of writing this I know of 6 other people running this set up with no
problems reported. Most of these use their computers for 2-3 hours
daily so it seems a safe enough bet.
[A friend of mine had an ATAPI CDROM fitted to his A1200 a while back
for about 35quid except he had the whole lot fitted into a PC desktop
casing so I've seen it working. Kei]